Senator Baxley's Political


Bills passed during 2017 & 2018 Session – Senator Dennis Baxley, SD 13

HB 361 Bail Bonds
SB 680

Revises legislative intent concerning obligations of bail bond agent.

Signed by Governor on 6/26/2017

HB 879 Unlawful Acquisition of Utility Services | SB 776

Revises elements that constitute theft of utilities; specifies types of damages that may be recovered for damaging property of utility or for theft of electricity services and specifies methods used to determine and assess damages for damaging property of utility or for theft of electricity services.

Signed by Governor on 6/23/2017 

SB 868 Educational Options and Services

Providing that a client of the Division of Blind Services is considered an employee of the state for workers’ compensation coverage.

Signed by Governor on 6/15/2017 

HB 193 Mortgage Brokering
SB 314

Clarifies who is and who isn’t a mortgage broker.

Signed by Governor on 3/21/2018

HB 1437 Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities
SB 648

Requires the State to pay for Worker’s Compensation costs when an employer hires a person with disabilities.

Signed by Governor on 3/21/2018

SB 312 Eyewitness Identification

Requiring state, county, municipal, or other law enforcement agencies that conduct lineups to follow specified procedures.

Signed by Governor on 6/15/2017

HB 699 Internet Identifiers
SB 680

Requires sexual predators and sexual offenders to register each internet identifier’s corresponding website homepage or application software name with FDLE through sheriff’s office.

Signed by Governor on 6/26/2017

HB 329 Child Protection
SB 762

Prohibits time-sharing plan from requiring or being interpreted to require visitation at recovery residence between specified hours and requires court to consider certain factors to determine best interest of the child/children.

Signed by Governor on 6/12/2017

HB 581 Subpoena’s in Investigations of Sexual Offenses
SB 618

Gives law enforcement 180 days to investigate a sexual offense against a minor prior to subpoena recipient alerting customer they are under investigation.

Signed by governor on 3/23/2018

SB 436 Religious Expression in Public Schools

Prohibits a school district from discriminating against students, parents, or school personnel on the basis of religious viewpoints or expression prohibiting penalty or reward for a student’s religious expression in coursework, artwork, or other specified assignments.

Signed by Governor on 6/12/2017

SB 692 Student Eligibility for K-12 Virtual Instruction

Revises eligibility requirements for students to receive part-time instruction at the Florida Virtual School and allows students including home education and private school students to participate in virtual instruction options.

Signed by Governor on 6/12/2017

SB 732 K-12 Education
HB 731

Provides parents/students a parent-directed home educational option that satisfies the requirement for regular school attendance. Parents have the freedom to determine their child’s educational path and the plan for reaching their goals. Students have the opportunity to explore and learn at their own pace, in any location or at any time.

Signed by Governor on 3/11/2018 (Bill amended into HB 7055 Education)

HB 495 Prohibited Conduct between Authority Figures and Students
SB 736

The bill creates a second-degree felony for an authority figure who solicits or engages in sexual, romantic or lewd conduct with a student enrolled at the school where they are employed, regardless of the student’s age.

Signed by Governor on 4/6/2018

SB 1064 Dual Enrollment Programs
HB 827

Revises requirements related to home school and private school dual enrollment costs.

Signed by Governor on 3/11/2018 (Bill amended into HB 7055 Education)

SB 1234 Free Expression on Campus

Creates the “Campus Free Expression Act” establishing definitions codifying right to free-speech activities. Prohibits public institutions of higher education to designate any area of campus as a free-speech zone, but authorizes restrictions under specified conditions.

Signed by Governor on 3/11/2018 (Bill amended into SB 4 Higher Education)

HB 7035 Ratification of Rules of the St. Johns River Water Management District
SB 670

St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) adopted by rule the minimum flow and water level (MFL) for Silver Springs, which is an Outstanding Florida Spring (OFS). If an OFS is below or projected to fall below the MFL within 20 years, then concurrent adoption of a recovery or prevention strategy is required.

Signed by Governor on 3/19/2018

HB 703 Water Management District Surplus Lands
SB 806

Requiring a Water Management District (WMD) to publish notice or its intent to sell surplus property on its website in addition to a newspaper in the county where the land is located and to publish notice of its intent to sell surplus property at least 30 days, but not more than 360 days, before the WMD approves a sale. It also allows WMD to sell land valued at $25,000 or less to an adjacent property owner, giving such property owners the opportunity to purchase the property before the rest of the general public.

Signed by Governor on 4/6/2018

HB 705 Public Records/Water Management District Surplus Lands
SB 808

Creates a public records exemption for written valuations of WMD land determined to be surplus lands.

Signed by Governor on 4/6/2018

HB 1121 Child Welfare
SB 1680

Requiring the Agency for Health Care Administration to establish a technical advisory panel to develop procedures and standards for measuring outcomes of pediatric cardio catherization programs and pediatric open-heart surgery programs.

Signed by Governor on 6/23/2017

HB 455 Ad Valorem Tax Exemption for First Responders
SB 764

Provides exemption from ad valorem taxation for first responders who have worked for a state of Florida agency and spouses of first responders who have died. (Must have applied during 2017 tax year)

Signed by Governor on 6/15/2017

SB 382 Road Designation for Neele Needham Memorial Highway
HB 171

Designates a portion of road in Marion County to be named the Nelle Needham Memorial Highway.

Signed by Governor on 3/23/2018 (Bill amended into SB 382 Road Designations)

HB 6033 Direct-Support Organization of the Florida Commission on Community Services
SB 1500

The statutory authority for VFF is scheduled to repeal on October 1, 2018, unless reviewed
and reenacted by the Legislature. The bill removes the scheduled repeal of the law
authorizing the commission to create a DSO.

Signed by Governor on 3/21/2018

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